Innovating in healthcare with PhonAID

All members of the consortium in RaDAR at a glance

Together with partners ELG De Piramide, AZ Delta, EIORL, and RADar, and with the support of VLAIO, we are working on an innovative solution to detect voice disorders at an early stage: PhonAID (Phoniatrics Artificial Intelligence Detection Tool) .

The impact of voice disorders

Communication is essential in our daily lives, and problems with the voice can lead to social and professional challenges. Moreover, voice disorders can sometimes indicate serious underlying medical conditions. It is therefore crucial that general practitioners have the right tools to recognize these conditions in a timely manner.

Knowledge from secondary care available in primary care

With the PhonAID project, we aim to transfer specialized knowledge from secondary care (specialist care) to primary care (general practice), enabling general practitioners to better diagnose voice disorders and refer patients more quickly to a specialist if necessary.

Advanced AI analysis for faster healthcare delivery

PhonAID uses an application developed by Goomyx, which analyzes data based on an AI model trained by the participating hospitals. Based on the results, general practitioners can better assess whether a referral is needed. This approach ensures that patients can be helped better and faster, even if their situation is not urgent.

User-friendly health application

As a development studio, Goomyx plays a crucial role in the accessible design and technological development of the application. We are working on creating a user-friendly interface that enables both general practitioners and patients to easily access the functionalities of the application.

At Goomyx, we are eagerly looking forward to the further development of PhonAID and the positive changes it can bring to the world of healthcare. Through collaboration and innovation, we are convinced that we can transform patient care and provide innovative technology for everyone.

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