Konekt vzw | Step closer to an inclusive job market with an innovative CV tool

A digital questionnaire to assist with the job application process

In co-creation with Konekt vzw, Goomyx was allowed to develop the project ‘From talent to work’, an innovative digital tool that supports people with a (mental) disability in their search for work. This tool offers an accessible and structured way to highlight their talents, and is an important step in promoting inclusion in the job market.

Co-creation at the heart of the design

We worked closely with the young people through their mentor to develop an interactive questionnaire. This participatory approach ensured that the tool was tailored to their needs. The young people themselves also selected the icons for the different parts of the tool, thus enhancing usability and recognisability.

Goomyx ensured that the tool was seamlessly integrated into Konekt's existing website by adding a subdomain to their hosting. This integration makes the tool easily accessible to the target audience and provides a consistent user experience within the Konekt website environment. 

The design was fully aligned with Konekt's corporate identity, with an emphasis on simplicity and accessibility. We ensured that the tool is easy to use, regardless of the user's digital skills.

Flexible functionalities for everyone

For those who have difficulty writing or those who cannot write, we have added the ability to use images, drawings and other visual elements to present their talents and motivation. This makes the tool versatile and accessible to a wider audience.

Users of the tool can save their answers and further edit them at a later time. Via a unique link, which they receive in their mailbox, they can return to their completed questionnaire at any time and add to or change it. To provide even more flexibility, users can also export their answers and the tips as a PDF document, allowing them to go through their preparations offline or share them with others. 

Inclusion in practice

During the development process, the tool was tested several times with the target group. By continuously collecting feedback from users, we further refined and optimised the tool. 

The ‘From talent to work’ tool offers young people with disabilities a powerful way to present their talents and motivation in a structured way. Thanks to its user-friendly functionalities and intuitive design, this tool contributes to a more inclusive job market. 

This tool is not just a tool to support young people, it is a step towards a future where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of their background or disability. 

Discover the inclusive digital questionnaire here.

Want to know more about how Goomyx supports inclusion through technology? 

Please get in touch with us.

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