Vives | Enabling learning without limits at your own pace

Controlling business routers remotely

From March 2022 to December 2022, Goomyx had the opportunity to develop an ESF project in collaboration with VIVES University of Applied Sciences. The aim was to develop software to support distance learning for Electronics ICT students. Previously, students were limited to VIVES' lab classroom for learning and practicing how to configure business routers. Goomyx developed software allowing students to connect to routers on school grounds from home, allowing them to complete their lab assignments from anywhere.

Motivated duo who think along to achieve a finished result. Enthusiastic and clear in communication. Great collaboration!

Sustainable software architecture

As Vives opted for Javascript-based programming languages, Goomyx chose Next.js for the front end and Nest.js for the back end, both with Typescript. These choices ensure a unified development environment and simplify both maintenance and extension of the platform for future developers.

Global functioning of the platform

The platform consists of a comprehensive login system with different roles for students and teachers. Thus, each user sees only those interfaces that are useful to them and does not get lost in redundant functionalities. Moreover, the security of the platform is guaranteed by initially only allowing Vives students and staff on the platform, extensions are of course always possible. A built-in mailing system allows all users to manage their accounts. 

To give each student the opportunity to work on their lab assignments at their own pace from home, a reservation system was provided for these lab assignments. Multiple time slots can be made available by the teacher and students can sign up for the time most suitable for them.  Using the Vives style as a basis, Goomyx designed an intuitive interface for both teachers and students. Important here was not only that the interface was user-friendly, but also that it was not distracting or over-stimulating for students with ADHD, ASD or who are otherwise neurodivergent.

Finally, Goomyx integrated a Guacemole server to enable connections between students' laptops and the routers and switches set up in school. It is these connections that effectively deliver on the promise of remote learning. 

On-site and remote testing

The software was extensively tested by both students and teachers, collecting and processing feedback to make iterative improvements. To sufficiently test all functionalities, several testing days were organized. These included testing with students and teachers both on-site and remotely, with students connecting to the setup in Vives from home at different times. We also subjected the software to some performance tests internally and were able to reach the Guacamole server in Belgium smoothly from Budapest.

A robust result

The final implementation involves hosting the software on Raspberry Pi's, with one Pi hosting the front end and the other Pi hosting the back end, Guacemole server and SQL database. This hosting setup was chosen specifically to simplify the installation of the project and to be able to deploy the software in secondary schools as well.. On top of that, Goomyx delivered an installation guide to configure the project on a new Raspberry Pi with minimal technical knowledge.

(Ortho)pedagogy and customised technology, a fertile ground for more inclusive education

The collaboration between Goomyx and VIVES University of Applied Sciences leads to innovation in remote education for Electronics-ICT students. The development of this advanced remote lab environment allows students to complete their lab assignments and exercises anywhere, which was previously limited to the lab room on campus. The ability to work on school assignments anytime, anywhere, including lab assignments, makes distance learning more accessible and inclusive for all.

Find out more about Remote Lab Connection and access the online learning environment.

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